Construction risk Partners

Mood Board

business card design


National B2B, Commercial Services
Company Profile:

Construction Risk Partners is a leading construction industry brokerage offering insurance, surety, bonding, default insurance & more.

  1. Develop brand identity to reflect the construction insurance/bonding & support of the construction industry
  2. Present the many products the company provides

The company was able to clearly convey what they do to their target market & were pleased to have unified branding that reflected their goals.


  • Magazine Ads
  • Cut Sheets
  • Digital Newsletters
  • Responsive Website
My Role:
  • Brand Design
  • Photo Manipulation
  • Print Advertising
  • Print Design
  • Digital Design
  • Website Design

Product Sell Sheet

business card design

Digital Newsletter

folder design
folder design

Magazine Ad

business card design

Digital Newsletter

folder design
folder design

Responsive Website

HTML5 responsive website & design
HTML5 responsive website & design
HTML5 responsive website & design
HTML5 responsive website & design